Austin Air Systems was conceived more than three decades ago when the company’s founder, the late Richard Taylor, set out to help his wife, Joyce. Joyce suffered from lifelong respiratory difficulties that did not improve with medications or dietary changes. Finally, the couple realized the air Joyce was breathing was contaminated. Modeling after the technology already utilized in leading medical facilities, Richard set out to reproduce the only environment where Joyce felt relief – her hospital room. Using a combination of True Medical HEPA and Activated Carbon, Richard engineered a filter to specifically target particulate contamination and chemical toxicity. Within one week, Joyce began sleeping undisturbed through the night. At first, Richard built just a few units in his home workshop. The next year he built approximately 1,500 units in a leased workspace. As it turned out, Joyce was not the only one who benefited from Richard’s design. Tens of thousands of people began to experience relief as well. Today Austin Air Systems is the largest air cleaner manufacturing facility in the world.
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